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The Best computer supplies Articles on Wine
How To Clean Computers - Free Registry Scan
- A Slow System?
- Harassed by DLL errors?
- Plagued by constant Blue Screens?
- Receiving error messages and don't know why?
Did you know that most of these issues are easily repairable? Don't pay a technician loads of money for an issue that you can easily repair yourself!
Every Microsoft Windows operating system has a registry. Your system registry holds a wealth of information about your computer, which is why we constantly hear from users that after using their PC for a short length of time, it no longer works the way it used to. This is due in part to invalid entries that exist in your system registry, that might exist because of software you are no longer using or software that was not properly removed. By removing these invalid entries, you can significantly increase the performance of your PC.
Many locations exist that are the cause of the most common PC troubles. We have pinpointed these locations, and our free scanner allows you to scan for invalid registry entries that might be causing your PC issues. The software will inform you of where the errors exist, and what potential errors they might cause. Registryfix will scan for errors related to ActiveX controls, DLL issues, Windows explorer errors, Windows installer issues, Internet Explorer errors, Iexpore and System32 errors, runtime errors, and a wide variety of other system issues.
About the Author
This article is prepared by Neel Gabrow.
For additional information please click here.
Do computers suffer from obesity?
Remember the day when you bought your new PC with Windows installed? It was lightning fast. It took only
about ten seconds to boot. When you opened the Start menu or the load/save file dialogs, they showed up
instantly. But, after a year of heavy use, you now realize that your PC has some serious performance
issues. It takes more and more time to boot each time you start it. When you open your Start menu, file
dialogs or other Windows Shell powered components, also seem to always need more time. Your computer is
grinding its hard disk for seemingly forever as if it was thinking whether you are worthy to see what you
had hoped to see.
Modern computers are very complex systems. They are much like the human body. By consuming large amounts
of non-certified products from unknown sources, you increase the level of cholesterol in your blood very
quickly. Soon, you would have an obesity problem. You couldn't run fast either. This is the same reason why
your computer slows down over time. The truth is that there are no certified software products for
computers. All of the so-called software certificates can only guarantee the authenticity of a software
product and not its quality. There are no PC medicine organizations that can certify software. Even large
software companies produce software that may harm your system integrity and leave some "cholesterol" in
your computer's veins. And, we won't even discuss the software from unknown vendors that you download from
the Internet!
Unlike humans, computers may have many lives. All you need to do is to format your hard drive and install
the system from scratch. However, this is not a good solution. By formatting your disks, you lose all your
installed programs, preferences and system integrity. Is there another solution? If you need a personal
medic for your computer to provide required treatment without killing the patient first, you may want to
give SmartPC from SmartPCTools a try. It's an all-in-one medicine package for your system. You can download
it using the following link:
There are two versions, Personal and Professional. They differ only by the number of features available. I
use the Professional version. Thus, I will guide you through its features. You will then be able to decide
for yourself whether you need the Professional or the Personal version.
Back to the "cholesterol" problem. What is considered to be bad "cholesterol" for your PC and where are
the veins? The Registry is your computer's blood system. All other organs rely on it. All the vital system
information is stored in this unified database and all Windows applications poll this information. But,
there is a downside. Normally, users log into their Windows with full administrator privileges. You need
the administrator privileges in order to install new software and to configure your system and network
settings. All the applications that you run receive full administrator privileges as well. This means that
any program started by you can change almost any section of your Windows Registry, including the settings
of other applications. This is how, for example, malicious scripts from the Internet change the Home and
Search pages in your Internet Explorer. With the passing of time, even normal applications from reliable
vendors leave some records in your Registry that may cause an "obesity" problem. Most computer programs
never un-install completely! Users rarely complain about such issues and, as such, developers often ignore
the problem. They don't seem to be worried about such things. No complaints - no problem. But this is a
problem. After a year of heavy use, your Registry becomes really fat. It occupies more memory, and it takes
longer for every application to access the Registry. This can reduce the performance of many applications
and increase their start time. But, even worse is that some of the leftovers in your Registry point to
non-existing or damaged objects. Here's an example: When you right-click on a file in Windows Explorer, a
contextual menu pops up. It is called "contextual" because of the file type specific actions displayed in
this menu. When you install a program, it may add its handlers into system menus like the menu that pops up
for a file. You probably have some handlers there added by your image viewers ("Open with ..."), archives
("Send to..", "Compress with..."), printer drivers and more. If some of the Registry entries, like these,
point to non-existing objects, Windows will try to find them every time. There are also some Registry
sections that contain programs to run on Windows startup. They are not shown in the "Startup" section of
your Start menu and you cannot remove them manually. Windows will try to start them on every boot.
Now, for the treatment. Get into a white doctor's uniform and run SmartPC, your scalpel. The interface is
very easy to understand. Click the "Fix" button and you'll see two options available. Let's start with
cleaning the Registry. In addition to fixing the problems described above, SmartPC will analyze and fix, or
delete if necessary, broken links, device drivers, ActiveX components, fonts, un-install entries and more.
As a result, you will have a compact and a fragment-free database without obsolete and broken entries,
resulting in increased overall performance of your system.
Not all problems come from the Registry. There is a special type of file, known as a "shortcut". Your
Desktop and the Start menu consist almost entirely of shortcuts. When you access your start menu or when
your Desktop is loading, Windows searches for the target objects that are referenced by your shortcuts.
When a shortcut contains a broken link, or points to a non-existing object, Windows will try to find this
object, retrieve its icon, etc. The second option available in the "Fix" SmartPC section allows you to scan
and fix all broken shortcuts on your disks.
Now, let's move to the "Clean" section of SmartPC. This section allows you to clear all the junk files
accumulated on your disks. Sometimes applications "forget" to delete temporary files, and sometimes they
leave temporary files due to software errors. SmartPC will empty directories of temporary files. It can
also scan your disks to search for temporary files by extension. If you are anxious about security and
identity theft, you may want to clean temporary Internet files, delete cookies, IE autofill data, etc.
In the "Optimize" section, you will also find several useful tools to boost your system performance and
tune-up some hidden settings. "Hidden" means that these settings are not available through the Control
Panel or standard Windows dialogs. For example, you can select whether you wish to log into your Windows
account on boot without the need to enter your password, or whether you want Windows to show the login
screen with a passwords prompt. The Startup and Un-install Entries Editors also provide some advanced
features that are not available in standard Windows configuration applets.
The "Boost Windows" option provides a tool that constantly monitors your memory, removes unusable blocks
and de-fragments usable blocks for faster access. If enabled, it runs invisibly and optimizes your system
memory. In addition, this tool sets maximum processor use priority to the active window. When you watch a
movie, you probably do not want it to make pauses when another application does something in background.
Normally, all running applications share processor time equally. But if you want to boost a multimedia
application to its maximum, you need it to give it an exclusive access to your processor.
Does your computer experience the "obesity" problem? Is it full of junk files, broken shortcuts and
obsolete registry values? If so, it needs a treatment!
About the Author
Mykola Rudenko, CEO
Features Of Computer RPG's
Computer role playing known as Role playing game or (RPG), has become one of the most popular forms of computer games on the market today. RPGs not only use point and click methods, but include traits such as character selection, multi-players, first or third person shooters and strategy. This means that the player gets emotionally and physically involved in the game.
The characters range from regular human beings to mythical creatures such as monsters. Each character has different traits and levels of skill, for example they could be archers with their tools or magicians with their potions or even something as simple as a human being and his fists. These characters are on a quest. On that quest, they will face a lot of strange creatures such as berserk monsters or sinister enemies that could be in a horror movie. As you become successful in completing a level, the difficulties increase. All the traits you possess as the character must be monitored to see if you have the ability to protect your self and fight off your enemies.
To keep track of the area, there is a map always present. It is laid out on a rectangular grid and north is facing the top of your screen. This sometimes confuses people, so there is a more detailed map that pops up if you click automap. It breaks down the large map into a smaller section and tells you exactly where you are.
The character roams the map fighting off creatures or getting through other situations depending on the settings which could vary from fantasy or futuristic to wasteland or medieval. The tools you have may be added to along the way. You could get something that would heal wounds or strengthen the character (called manna) or you could upgrade the weaponry you possess so that instead having to hit your enemy with three blows you can cut them down with one. It is better to save these bonuses for fighting a group of creatures or the final challenge of that particular level.
Because RPG?s have been developed from the beginning in two different geographical locations, two distinct branches have evolved over time. There are the Asian RPGs, which tend to have creatures resembling Japanese anime characters set in a futuristic or fantasy world and represented with colorful bright visuals. And then there is the Western RPGs which tend to take a more realistic approach. The settings are usually based medieval periods or other historical and mythical times and the storylines are dark and build up slower.
About the Author:
Daniel Travers is a staff writer at Games Enthusiast and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Computing Times.
How To Make Your Computer Print Money In 6 Easy Steps
I bet that got your attention, didn't it? I've been working on my headlines. Sorry to disappoint you but this article isn't about counterfeiting or how to get rich quick. It's about how to create a successful website which will draw lots of traffic and make you lots of money.
This is an enormous subject and you could write a book on each different step. I'm just going to provide a general outline here of the 6 crucial steps to creating a website that's successful over the long term.
1 ? Pick Your Niche
Choose something you enjoy researching and writing about because you're going to spend a lot of time doing both. It shouldn't have a lot of competition. For example, don't choose "electronics." I guarantee you'll never get a better ranking in the search engines than Sony or Narrow it down to something like "high end audiophile speakers".
Do some research. Check out how much your keywords are going to cost for advertising. If they're really expensive you might want to choose another niche. Check out some sites with similar subject matter so you can see who you're going to be competing with for rankings in the search engines.
2 ? Choose Your Service Providers And Register Your Domain
Your service providers must be reliable. If your internet connection is always going down or your server is constantly crashing it's going to be difficult to maintain a successful business. Don't skimp on quality just to save a few pennies here.
Your domain name should contain your most important keyword that you're hoping to rank well for in the search engines. It should be something unique that's related to your niche and easily brandable. By brandable I mean easy for people to remember and associate with your site. Some call it "mindshare".
3 ? Create Your Content
Your content must be unique. If you're content is plagiarized, Google will tend to ignore you. They now recognize duplicate content and refuse to list it. They want to provide their users with useful results. People have been slapping together crappy "made for adsense" websites by just copying and pasting content and Google's decided to put an end to it.
My advice is not to mess with Google. They're the 900 lb gorilla of the internet that you really don't want to piss off. If you can't get listed in the search engines, you're pretty much doomed from the start. So give them what they want. You'll need 30-100 pages of good content before you even put up a website. You could just start with a few pages and add a page day ? like you would with a blog ? but it will take you longer to get indexed. Are you noticing a theme about the search engines here?
4 - Create Your Website
You're either going to have to use a program like Dreamweaver or a Content Management System. I'd suggest considering a CMS. You'll need to update your website frequently, and even for experienced web designers this can be difficult. A CMS removes all the hassles of publishing new content daily. However, you have to make sure your CMS is search engine friendly. Probably the easiest thing to do for a beginner is use a blogging program like Wordpress. Search engines LOVE blogs, they're very easy to update, and best of all Wordpress is FREE.
You should create the website with search engine optimization in mind right from the start. SEO is a very in-depth subject that I can't get into here. Basically, you'll want to make sure your website can be easily crawled by the search engine robots or "spiders". This requires all kinds of things like proper meta-tags and making sure you have good keyword density on your pages.
Also, you MUST make sure all your pages load quickly. Much of the world still doesn't have broadband. The average surfer will only wait about 4 seconds before they click off elsewhere. If your pages load too slowly you will be losing massive amounts of traffic. Navigation is very important as well. If people have a hard time finding their way around they'll quickly get frustrated and leave.
5 - Drive Traffic To Your Website
Setting up a business on the net is different than at a physical location. In the "real" world it's all about location, location, location. If your store's in a high traffic area it's easy to get customers. But on the net no one just passes by, they SEARCH for specific things. Until your site is listed in the search engines there's no way for anyone to find it - It's up to you to drive traffic to it.
There a several ways to do this:
You can buy it by creating ads and then bidding on certain keywords so the ads will show up whenever anyone searches for them.
You can get it for free by:
- Writing articles on your niche topic with a link to your site in the author's resource box, and submitting them to article directories so publishers can use them and distribute them to thousands of readers.
- Submitting your site to free SEO friendly web directories.
- Social bookmarking some of the more interesting pages on your site at places like and Blink.
- Submitting some of your articles to sites like Digg or Reddit, where people vote on whether they should be displayed on the front page. If you're item is popular and gets displayed on the front page of Digg, the amount of traffic you get could crash your server. I'm not kidding, I've seen it happen.
- Participate in forums and provide a link to your site in you signature. Don't spam or you'll get banned ? make intelligent comments.
- Comment in blogs with a link in your sig. Again ? don't spam. And make sure the blog isn't using no-follow or you'll be wasting your time.
- Post free classified ads. These provide a high value link back from a popular site, plus you get free targeted traffic to your website from the ads.
- There's many ways to get free traffic ? just be creative ? but don't be too creative. There's a lot of illegal ways to get free traffic as well but they'll backfire on you in the long run.
6 - Monetize Your Website
This is the fun part. Now that you've got all this traffic how do you make money?
- You can sell advertising - probably the easiest way is with Google Adsense. You can also sell banner space, text links, almost anything really.
- You can sell merchandise - I'd suggest drop-shipping. Why do all that packing and shipping if you don't have to? That's too much like work.
- You can do affiliate marketing - one of the easiest ways to do this is to feature recommended products that link through to your affiliate's site for purchase. Just make sure you choose quality products to be affiliated with.
- The sky's the limit when it comes to monetizing your website. Be creative here too ? but again, not too creative. You don't want to do anything stupid and get banned from Adsense or your best affiliate program.
And there you have it. How to make your computer print money in six not so easy steps. Now get going and have some fun!
About the Author:
Matthew Carney is an internet entrepreneur and disgruntled former chef. If you found this article informative and would like to learn more about making money online you can visit his website: You can also check out his blog:
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