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Price: 8.01
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Belkin - Network cable - RJ-45 (M) - RJ-45 (M) - 14 ft - UTP - ( CAT 5 ) - yello

Price: 10.94
Today's computer motherboards Article
Build Your Own Computer or Buy?
Just look inside a computer case. At first glance, all those wires and components can look terrifyingly complex. And thinking about putting them all together by yourself may seem impossible.
Not to worry! Even though they are the products of advanced technology, the various pieces of a personal computer (PC) fit together with simple connections. If you can use a screwdriver and follow simple instructions, you can build your own PC.
Don't be intimidated by the task of connecting the computer components together. Many of the internal connections are molded so that it is impossible to fit them together the wrong way. If you have ever assembled a child's toy, you are more than capable of assembling a computer.
Advantages Of Building Your Own
You are probably asking yourself why anyone would bother to build a PC. After all, you can buy a cheap computer in almost any retail store.
If cost is your only consideration, you probably are better off buying one of those cheap machines. But if you have any special requirements for software or hardware, youll benefit from the total control over the type and quality of components you get from building your own PC.
You can save some money, too. Although you probably can't match the price of the cheapest preassembled PC, once you begin adding on the inevitable customized hardware, the costs go up anyway. Suddenly building your own computer starts looking cheaper. And don't forget--those super-cheap PCs are bare-boned systems. Unless you need a computer only for basic word processing and e-mail, you will probably have to upgrade anyway.
Building your own PC can be a great learning experience. You will gain a better understanding of how the various components work together, knowledge that can be useful for troubleshooting. If your computer ever breaks down, you may be able to pinpoint the problem and fix it yourself, saving money on expensive repair bills.
You are virtually guaranteed to get the best computer when you build your own system. Big retailers often use cheaper OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) components to cut down on costs. Components like these can compromise the performance of a computer system. Although you can buy OEM components yourself, the trade-off in reliability and stability is usually not worth it. Brand name components are just a bit more expensive, but are well worth the cost.
The major disadvantage in building your own PC is that you don't get a system-wide warranty. For example, if a malfunctioning motherboard fries your memory chips, you may not be able to get compensation for the damaged memory. If something like this happens with a store-bought system you could probably get the whole computer repaired under the warranty.
However, if you buy all your components at the same time from the same retailer, you are more likely to be compensated for this kind of situation.
Time is, of course, a factor. But it is educational time. And if you enjoy tinkering at all, it counts as fun time as well.
The Bottom Line
Building your own PC has a lot to offer. You'll be assured of getting the best components available, which translates to the best and most reliable computer for your money. You will learn about computer components and how to choose parts with the best performance. When it comes to servicing your computer, you may be able to solve and fix the problem yourself.
Oh, and one final advantage. The bragging rights of telling your friends that you built your own computer. Priceless!
About the author:
Ron King is a full-time researcher, writer, and web developer. Visit build-computer-now.comto learn more about this fascinating subject.
Copyright 2005 Ron King. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact.
How To Stop Computers Stressing You Out
Copyright 2005 Trevor Dumbleton
Of all the forms of stress in today's world, computer stress is the one that is on the rise the fastest. Computers are wonderful machines, but they can also stress out workers by their sometimes confusing demands, their constant presence and their simple inability to work properly. Thus, computer stress must be understood and it must find an outlet or computer users will find themselves even more stressed out than they already are.
The first thing to remember about computers is that they are machines. They do not have feelings, they do not respond to emotional appeals, they only do what they are told to do; nothing more and nothing less. Thus, you need to remember that just about anything that your computer does is probably something you told it to do. Sure, you may not have wanted to tell it to do something, but you told the computer to do it and that's all it knows. You can save yourself a lot of computer stress by keeping this in mind.
The next thing you need to know in order to avoid computer stress is that computers are machines and, therefore, they will break down. That means that you need to keep backup copies of everything important. If you absolutely need a file, keep a copy on a floppy disk or on a CD. Hard drives are well known to just give out after a while (the average lifetime is about 4-5 years) and therefore you need to keep backups of everything you want to keep. If it's important enough that you want a copy, it's important enough to keep a backup copy. The sooner you remember to keep your computer's failing in mind, the more stress free you will be.
Third, you need to protect your computer. On the most basic level, that means a surge protector. A power surge can quickly fry the delicate insides of a computer and suddenly realizing that you need a new computer is just about the worst computer stress of all.
As well, you need to protect your computer from outside interference. If your computer is hooked up to the Internet, protect it with a network firewall and anti-virus software. There are plenty of malicious hackers out there and they tend to enjoy watching people panic about their computers suddenly dying. These hackers write viruses and worms that can infect your machine and delete important files or send out malicious emails all on their own. You do not want to have your computer taken over like this. Save yourself from this sort of computer stress by keeping your system and your files secure from outside attackers.
Another way to protect your computer is to shut it down properly. Many people simply hit the power button without shutting down the machine first. This is a serious danger, as it can damage the delicate circuits of the computer. Run your computer through its shutdown system and wait until it either turns itself off, or it tells you that it is time to turn it off. This may not seem like a big deal to some, but it can damage your computer in the long run.
Computer stress can also simply arise from sitting in front of the silly thing so long that you realize you do not know what you are looking at any more. You know you need to get work done on the silly machine, but you haven't gotten anything done and the deadline is looming and you need more time, but there isn't any and just slow down. If you are not getting anything done, they save yourself some computer stress by walking away. If you are at work, lock your screen and wander the hallways for a bit. If you are at home, get up and go make yourself a sandwich or something. Just walk away and you will save yourself a lot of stress over something that is really not a big deal.
One of the problems with living in the computer age is, simply, the computer. However, it is only a machine and you can learn to control it without it controlling you. Your computer is a tool no different than a hammer or a crowbar. So save yourself from computer stress and you won't feel compelled to use a hammer or a crowbar on the computer that is supposed to make your life easier.
About the author: is a categorized resource directory for everything to do with stress. Get a free ebook to help with your stress levels:
Why Do Computer Users Need Backup
First what?s the meaning of backup? Back up is the name given to diskettes, or disks that can store copies of programs and then stored elsewhere.
Even with the best of care, any disk can suddenly fail for reasons you can?t understand. Many computer users have found themselves unable to retrieve data from disks that worked perfectly the day before, because some defect has damaged a single track or small sector. Hard disks do crash. Any personal computer system can be hit by power overloads, water or misconducts.
Thus, users and big or small companies should always think about backup. The best protection if you?re writing, designing, researching something is to make two copies of your data. One copy may be on your hard disk, certainly, but duplicates should be on tape, disks or removable hard disks cartridges, recordable CD-ROMs or flash drives.
If you are backing up less than 10MB, you can use diskettes since that is the most they can take, if you are backing up more than 10MB, then a tape, disks or flash drives can be more efficient. If you work with files daily, then you would be most secure if you backed up all your files every day. If you work with files only occasionally, you need to determine how often backup is needed. And remember to keep the backup media in a different place. If your computer system and your backup disks are in the some structure and the place burns down, your backup is obviously worthless. So consider moving them to a different place or location.
Some microcomputer software programs provide automatic backup. One program would be with Colorado scheduler. What you do is you insert your disk in the disk drive and with a single mouse click on the Colorado scheduler icon, the computer takes care of the backup.
Almost all large computer systems have scheduled automatic backup of either full backup or only those files that have changed since the last backup session.
You should note that some storage media?s last longer than others. We have seen tapes deteriorate day by day. And will eventually deteriarate in the next 5 years. But this also depends on how it?s stored. Hard disks cartridges have shelf life of about 10 years, according to most hard disks manufactures. You can get MO drives but they are more expensive yet also more durable.
The life span of a CD-ROM disk is almost unlimited. Thus you need to archive your backup material before deciding on a storage medium.
Now, be sure to have a timed backup strategy. By this, if you add and change data every day, set your backup software (if you have one) to back up those files every night. And you could keep two storage cartridges: a working one and one stored in safe place. Then exchange the cartridges on weekly bases.
Backing up your information and research has to be a must in your life. If you have not lost any work due to computer crushes, disk damage, or viruses then you better backup you data before it happens. Don?t wait for it to happen to you.
Makabongwe Maseko offers advice on computers and technology on his weblog "Computer Latest News Technology". For more information and tips on technology and computers visit: |
Don't Compromise When Buying Computer Printer Ink
You should not compromise when you have to replace computer printer ink. You have to get the ink that your printer requires. As you know the computer printer ink is expensive, but you will get what you pay for definitely. In fact you are going to damage or ruin your printer by using or trying to use an inferior ink.
Even you can use generic printer cartridges that are much cheaper than their brand name. You have to use at the end of your printer. In fact, some printers won?t accept generic cartridges at all, and for some of those who do, the quality is inferior. Beside to that you can void the manufacturer?s warranty for your printer if you are going to use a generic printer ink cartridge. In fact for further information you have to read the terms of your warranty.
You should not rely on the cost of the ink cartridges before you purchase a printer that you need to ensure and you should not don?t compromise on computer printer ink without investigate. In this way, you will be prepared for the cost when it?s time to replace the ink cartridges. You should not purchase a printer whose cartridges are more expensive than the printer itself. No doubt you will save money in the long run by doing your homework.
There are some printers which are intentionally sold at very cheap in order to ensure repeated ink cartridge sales. In fact it will make more sense to spend more on a quality printer. You should replace ink cartridges which are not expensive.
You need to ensure that the ink quality is acceptable to you if you are considered to purchase ink. If possible, try to see a sample from the printer. However this is a major purchase to get a quality printer. Then you will be happy to replace the ink cartridges as the need arises.
You can usually get the quality ink for less if you can buy them in bulk. If your printer uses both a color cartridges and a black, you likely use more of one cartridge than the other. If you are going to shop in bulk, just buy the one you will use most.
The original cartridge manufacturers will generally give you the better quality prints out of any others alternatives. They are the most costly, however.
If you buy cartridges in bulk do not forget that they do dry out. All ink cartridges have a best before date on the box. If they sit very long before you use them, the ink will dry out which means your bulk savings will disappear out the window. - is free gifts deals site with the best deals, promotional offers,jewelry deals bargains, discount prices, free coupons, contests, home deals from hundreds of merchants. Updated daily! |
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